卡尔·斯塔赫赛德 (Karl Stachelscheid,1917-1970),德国知名画家。曾就读于伍珀塔尔装饰艺术设计学院的绘画和壁画设计系,后于1934年转至杜塞尔多夫艺术学院学习绘画和平面艺术,师从德国著名国宝级画家朱利叶斯·保罗·约翰尼斯。1965年受邀成为德国唯一的跨区域文化艺术推广机构Kulturkreises的签约艺术家。
Karl Stachelscheid was born in 1917. After a handicraft training at the Wuppertal Meisterschule Stachelscheid, he studied at the Free Art School of Painting and Graphics in Dusseldorf. 1939-43 he studied at the Art Academy Düsseldorf at Wilhelm Schmurr and was the last master student of Julius Paul Junghanns. In 1965,he got scholarship of the Kulturkreis der deutschen Industrie.
Stachelscheid mainly created landscapes, cityscapes, still lifes and figurative compositions in late Impressionist execution, about 1950 he also turned to abstract, informal works. His work can be found next to figurative works, with influences from cubism and expressionism.