1918年维斯戈贝尔被德国国宝级绘画大师威利·斯帕次(Willy Spatz)发现其天赋,并推荐进入杜塞尔多夫艺术学院。至1923年毕业,期间先后跟随风景画大师马科斯·克拉恩巴赫 (MAX CHLARENBACH)及动物画大师朱利叶斯·保罗·约翰尼斯(Julius Paul Junghanns)学习。
卡尔·维斯戈贝尔曾是埃菲尔和下莱茵之间最受尊敬的德国动物和风景画家之一。 他的艺术生涯主要在杜塞尔多夫度过,还曾前往荷兰、挪威、东佛里斯兰、奥地利和前南斯拉夫等地游历。
Ahrweiler October 25, 1891 - † Dusseldorf February 22, 1968 Carl Weisgerber belongs to the generation of artists born between 1890 and 1910, whose works have only been discovered and researched in art history in recent years. The painter was born in 1891 in the Ahrweiler Niederhutstraße 23 and developed here his love for animal painting. At the age of 28, he began his studies at the Dusseldorf School of Painting on the recommendation of Prof. Willy Spatz, where he was a student of Prof. Max Clarenbach and Prof. Julius Paul Junghanns. Inspired and encouraged by the Düsseldorf art landscape, Carl Weisgerber matured here to one of the most respected German animal and landscape painters between Eifel and Lower Rhine. His extensive and widely scattered work is located nationwide in museum and private collections and is researched since 2009 in a catalog raisonné.